Hybrid Cars - Alternative Energy

Hybrid cars have increased in popularity as of late.Nows the time to support alternative energy solutions and technologies.

Hybrid Cars - Alternative Energy


"Hybrid Nation"

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

-Pennsylvania eyes big hybrid car break

By Joan Gralla

NEW YORK, May 31 (Reuters) - Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell wants to use part of a $260 million windfall to double rebates for hybrid cars to $1,000.

But Colorado's rebate of as much as $4,713 will still be one of the nation's richest.
More than half of the states offer motorists incentives for buying hybrid cars, whose gas mileage vastly surpasses that offered by cars with conventional engines, according to the Denver-based National Conference of State Legislatures.

The U.S. government, eager to cut the nation's dependence on crude oil imports, offers tax credits ranging from $1,550 to $3,150, depending on the make and model of the hybrid car, according to an IRS spokesman.

The federal tax agency's list, which is not yet complete, appears on the Web site: http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/O,,id=157557,00.html
story continued


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