Hybrid Cars - Alternative Energy

Hybrid cars have increased in popularity as of late.Nows the time to support alternative energy solutions and technologies.

Hybrid Cars - Alternative Energy


"Hybrid Nation"

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Ethanol is booming, but is it too good to be true?

Alternative fuel dogged by questions about demand, fuel efficiency and its impact on food prices
ST. LOUIS — Corn-and-soybean farmer John Adams considered the pitch too good to pass up.

The 58-year-old Adams, who works 950 acres in central Illinois, didn’t immediately join the farmer cooperatives pooling together to build a 100-million-gallon-a-year ethanol plant. But when he dropped by an informational meeting a few months ago, he had to have a piece.

“I was impressed,” he recalled. “I had to do a lot of thinking about where the ethanol market was and where I think it’s going.”

Ethanol, for decades largely an afterthought in the global fuels market, is in the midst of a booming renaissance, despite a host of questions.

It is a hot topic from agribusiness boardrooms to Midwestern diners to world capitals including Washington. President Bush says the fuel additive distilled from mashed and fermented grain is a cheap-and-easy alternative to highpriced foreign oil, and some day it’s already been an economic boon for moribund rural stretches.

story continued


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