Hybrid Cars - Alternative Energy

Hybrid cars have increased in popularity as of late.Nows the time to support alternative energy solutions and technologies.

Hybrid Cars - Alternative Energy


"Hybrid Nation"

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hybrid cars the go as fuel price rockets

Josh Dowling
June 10, 2007

AS petrol heads towards $1.50 a litre, and the consumer watchdog renews its focus on fuel pricing, Australians are buying hybrid cars in record numbers.

Last month the petrol-electric Toyota Prius recorded its best monthly sales since its release six years ago.

And year-to-date figures show sales have almost doubled compared with the same period last year. Its competition, the Honda Civic Hybrid, at $32,990, the cheapest petrol-electric car in Australia, has a two-month waiting list.

Conrad and Jane Silvester, husband and wife operators of the East Orange post office, liked the Prius so much they bought two.

"I can tell you why they're selling - ours has nearly paid for itself in fuel savings alone," Mr Silvester said.

story continued


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